Monday, May 26, 2014


Bye Bye Blackheads

Everyone at one or another has had a run in with some sort of acne or as I like to call them, face demons. So today I'm going to talk about the type of acne that is very common. They are called blackheads. Blackheads are created with dirt and grime are collected in the pores of your face. So how can you prevent these little monsters? Well here are a few ideas-

Methed One
1. Place your head over some steaming water
2. Apply some non toxic liquid glue to the area of blackheads
3. Let dry and peel of the glue

Methed Two
1. Mix equal parts of lime juice, almond oil, and glycerin
2. Apply lotion to face

Methed Three
1. Mix a tablespoon of 2% milk with one tablespoon of unflavored gelatin
2. Heat in microwave for ten seconds
3. Apply to nose in a pore strip like fashion
4. Let dry and peel off

Methed Four
1. Wet your face
2. Mix a teaspoon of salt with a half teaspoon of toothpaste
3. Apply to the area of blackheads for no more than five minutes
4. Rinse off with cold water (this will sting)
5. Don't apply moisturizer for a couple of hours

Methed Five
1. Grab yourself a box of pore strips and follow the instructions on that box

Bye For Now Yasmeen

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